Why born of a married virgin by Theodotus of Ancyra.

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But how is it that Jesus, who had to be born of a virgin, was born, not of an unmarried virgin, but of a married virgin? We have to find out. Indeed, those who request an answer are many, desirous of grasping the reason why matters were so arranged.
Why was he not born of an unmarried virgin? Why was it that her virginity, which was to serve the Lord’s birth, did not remain totally above suspicion? Actually, the opposite might have happened. For the Virgin could have been suspected had not Joseph been married to her as her guardian. Instead, Joseph the just man takes her as his wife, to be the guardian of her virginity and the witness to the birth.

Theodotus of Anchyra ,
Homily 5, 3; PG 77, 1414 B; OCP 26 (1960): 226-27

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If you want more quotes on Virgin Mary, you can find them in Mary and the Fathers of the Church on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats.


Gambero, L., 1999. Mary and the Fathers of the Church 1st ed. Translated by Buffer, T., San Francisco: Ignatius Press.

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